Family information

Please find some useful information for you and your child about our school.

Uniform and Equipment

In all aspects of appearance, our aim is personal smartness, demonstrating our pride as part of the Beckfoot Oakbank community.

Home Learning

At Beckfoot Oakbank, we believe that our students will be more successful when school and home work together.

School Meals

We aim to encourage our students to live a healthy lifestyle, and therefore provide them with nutritionally balanced and delicious meals on a daily basis.


We want to make applying for Beckfoot Oakbank as easy as possible, we have 1600 students in Y7-13 from right across the community.


We encourage students to travel to school by walking cycling or using the bus. Not only to reduce pollution, but to reduce traffic congestion around our school.

Exams and Results

Exam timetables and key info will published here when it becomes available.