Behaviour and Attitude at Beckfoot Oakbank

At Beckfoot Oakbank, we work hard to meet our Trust mission of creating a remarkable school where no child is left behind. Beckfoot Oakbank ensures that every child succeeded in education, had a great careers and enjoyed life, as they lived our values of enjoy, learn and succeed. Our school values are central to our school community and culture.   

Our expectations

In our school and in lessons, we expect all students to follow our learning habits so that all students can learn and make progress in lessons and develop habits for life.

  • Learning habit 1: Positive response
  • Learning habit 2: Perfect uniform
  • Learning habit 3: On task behaviour
  • Learning habit 4: Punctual to school and lessons
  • Learning habit 5: Equipped or success
  • Learning habit 6: Learning beyond the classroom

Additional support

We recognise that we need to teach and model to our students the behaviours we expect.  We will always support students to develop great learning habits.  Leaders will regularly meet to review students’ behaviour; where it is identified that a student needs additional support, leaders will create a tailored behaviour plan which will identify the additional interventions and support the student will receive and the review point for the plan.

Leaders will work to ensure family and student voices are heard and that the plan, as far as possible, is constructed together to help to identify the current barriers and the support needed at school and at home to remove them.  We hold weekly Team around the School meetings where we identify students who may need tailored support.  Our SENDCO attends these meetings.     

Types of interventions and support could include:

  • Morning check-in before line-up to ensure the student is ready for the day
  • Intervention sessions and deliberate practice of our learning habits and expectations
  • Form tutor or SLT report card to help keep students on track with an identified learning habit
  • More frequent contact home from an identified key adult

Rewards and praise

We want students to work hard because it is the right thing to do (intrinsic motivation). We understand that students like recognition through reward. We have a range of ways to recognise and reward students who demonstrate our values of enjoy, learn, succeed. Successes are celebrated within the school community in morning meetings, recognition assemblies and our newsletter. Rewards include:

  • Awarding of achievement points for meeting our learning habits
  • Positive phone calls home
  • Tutee of the week postcards home
  • Community tickets for a positive contribution to the school community
  • Golden tickets
  • Platinum tickets
  • Access to “now that” surprise “pop up” rewards
  • Attendance specific rewards including recognition of improvements in attendance
  • Access to trips and activities
  • Summer rewards events
  • Recognition certificates

Our key behaviour contacts

If you have concerns about your childs behaviour, or any behaviour at our school that you feel may be affecting your child’s learning, please contact the relevant member of staff below for support:

  • Surrinder Wilkhu – Deputy Headteacher for Behaviour
  • Danielle Towler – Captain Tom Moore Centre
  • Chris Thacker – Associate Assistant Headteacher for Behaviour and Culture
  • Simon Clegg-Murtagh – Associate Assistant Headteacher for Behaviour and Culture
  • Lisa Ward – Associate Assistant Headteacher for Behaviour and Culture