Home Learning

Our approach to home learning empowers students to become knowledgeable and expert learners, as they build effective study habits and develop their own independence. It also enables families, students and school to work together to ensure limitless possibilities and opportunities for all.


Homework enhances student learning, improves achievement and develops students’ study skills and as such is an integral part of the curriculum. It requires careful planning and integration into the scheme of work of each curriculum area.

Homework is set in order to:

  • Encourage pupils to develop effective study skills and time management techniques and the self-discipline needed to be lifelong learners
  • Consolidate, reinforce and extend the material covered in lessons
  • Prepare students for new learning activities
  • Enhance opportunities for independent learning
  • Involve parents and carers in pupil learning
  • Create channels for home-school dialogue

Learning beyond the classroom

Homework will be set across all the different subjects, with most being set on Microsoft Teams, as we seek to develop a system that notifies parents when homework is set.

Useful home learning websites

Also find lessons and resources on the link below. Your teacher may ask you to complete lessons online via the Oak National Academy. This also has over 10,000 free video lessons, resources and activities.

Free online lessons, videos and quizzes for pupils | Oak National Academy