
Our uniform allows us to demonstrate pride as part of our Beckfoot Oakbank community.
Compulsory items for school
- Polo shirt: All students should wear a polo shirt in their year group with the school logo. Year 7: red, Year 8: green, Year 9: blue, Year 10: black, Year 11: purple.
- Jumper or cardigan: Students who wish to wear a jumper or cardigan must wear the official school jumper or cardigan with the school logo. Other jumpers, including PE hoodies are not acceptable in school.
- Trousers and skirts: Trousers should be plain black – jeans, cargo pants, leggings and shorts are not permitted. Skirts must be worn with thick black tights and an of an appropriate length – tube/lycra skirts are no allowed and they must not be rolled up.
- Shoes: Any formal black leather/leather look shoe is acceptable. The shoe must be wholly black with no large logos. Suede, nubuck, canvas shoes or boots are not allowed.
- Socks: Must be plain black, grey or white, and should not be trainer socks.
- Bag: All students must bring in a school bag that is large enough to carry all of their equipment and is capable of holding an A4 folder.
- Discreet makeup only, this includes discreet eyelashes and subtle nail varnish (no bright colours) – false and acrylic nails must not be worn.
- Studs may be worn in ears, but no large hoops/dangling earrings must be worn.
- A single nose ring/stud may be worn. Multiple nose piercings, eyebrow piercings and septum piercings are not permitted.
- Necklaces should not be seen and rings and bracelets should be minimal.
- All jewellery must be removed for PE and some science and technology lessons to meet health and safety expectations.
- Hair colour should be natural, no bright colours.
PE Uniform
- Black shorts, tracksuit bottoms, leggings or skort with the school logo
- Red and black polo shirt with the school logo
- Red sports socks
- Sports trainers – no plimsolls, converse or vans
- Reversible multisport shirt in black and red with the school logo
- Red hoodie with the school logo
- Quarter zip top in black and red with the school logo

Uniform Voucher Policy – School Uniforms
Beckfoot Trust now provides financial assistance for funding uniform. Parents/carers should get in touch to check eligibility. To enable us to distribute vouchers, claimants will need to provide proof of identity and be registered as eligible according to the school policy. If either of these criteria are not met, the claim will have to be reviewed. Parents/carers should email the school office on [email protected] to check their eligibility.
New to Me
Our discreet New to Me uniform service provides good quality second hand uniform to our families to ensure students can wear perfect uniform to meet one of their learning habits. To access this inclusive and discreet service, please email [email protected] stating your child’s name, year group and your contact details.
Our uniform suppliers
Whittakers Schoolwear: 01274 585015 (Shipley store) or 01535 611211 (Keighley store)
Top Trends: 01535 957007 (Keighley)

Each day students must bring:
- A rucksack or appropriate school bag (not handbag) large enough to carry A4 size folders
- All textbooks, exercise books and folders, these must be looked after properly and kept to a high standard
- Pen
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Planner
- Timetable