We ensure all students succeed in Computer Science by promoting computational thinking and digital creativity.

We want our students to develop the foundations which enables them to be future ready learners in our increasingly fast moving technological world.
Students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to become creators of digital technology and digital artifacts. Students will gain knowledge of programming languages, spreadsheet modelling, animation, cyber security and data representation as they develop their critical thinking, problem solving, communication and project management skills. These skills will enable to them to participate in a rapidly changing world through challenging and engaging topics.
Within Computer Science we offer regular booster sessions to enhance the programming and learning of our KS4 learners, with sessions running throughout the Autumn and Spring term.
Outside of the curriculum, students can attend Lego club, which is ran through our cross-curricular links with the Science faculty.
In years 7, 8 and 9, internal assessments will take place throughout each year to monitor pupil progress and further inform teaching and learning.
GCSE students will be assessed through 2 exams at the end of Year 11, with mocks taking place throughout Y10 and 11 to prepare them.
KS4 Specification
We make links to careers throughout our teaching by asking students to focus on solving real world problems that allow us to engage students with a variety of careers connected to all areas of Computer Science. Careers students may consider include:
- Website developer
- Games designer
- IT consultant
- Project manager
- Customer support