Drama engages, enriches and inspires students as they develop the self-belief and confidence to express their views in creative, fun and imaginative ways.

We believe that drama is a remarkable subject to help students to understand social cohesion, it is an art form with human interaction at its core. Students will engage in a creative outlet which provides and opportunity for people from all social and cultural backgrounds to express themselves.
all students learn the knowledge and skills detailed in our curriculum, which are categorised into three strands and linked to the English National Curriculum: Rehearsal and Creative skills, Performance skills and Appreciation and Evaluative skills. We ensure our curriculum is challenging and rigorous by providing a range of options within lessons so that all students are adequately stretched.
Students can enhance their knowledge and experiences through our extra-curricular programme which includes both dance and drama.
Students will have the opportunity to contribute to school wide performances and shows, and perform in local venues (performances with other schools and local care homes).
In years 7, 8 and 9, internal assessments will take place throughout each year to monitor pupil progress and further inform teaching and learning.
KS4 Specification
We recognise the importance of teaching our students about careers within the arts. This progresses from tasks and discussions about set and costume design to exploring different production roles such as the director, costume, set and lighting designer, and the importance of backstage crew.