BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Sport

Blend your practical and theoretical study of sport as you learn to apply your skills and knowledge to real life sport settings. You will be assessed through a combination of observational practice and coursework.

You will develop your knowledge of the human anatomy, and your understanding of effective fitness training and wellbeing, as you work independently and in teams.

Skills required

  • Effective writing
  • Analytical skills
  • Organisation
  • Teamwork
Entry Requirements
  • BTEC Sport Level 2 Pass or equivalent
  • Grade 4-4 in Combined Science or a grade 4 in Biology (Single Science) 
  • Grade 4 in English Language 
  • Grade 4 in Mathematics  
Units studied

Specification – BTEC National Extended Certificate in Sport

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Fitness training and programming for health, sport and wellbeing
  • Professional development in the sports industry 
  • Sports Leadership 

The new BTECs are more rigorous than the previous specifications and are highly valued by universities, further education colleges and employers alike. BTECs can lead to a variety of future careers including: Sports Coaching, Teaching, Physiotherapy, Fitness Instruction and Sports Science.


Numerous opportunities to participate and volunteer at extracurricular clubs and links to work placement. There is also an opportunity to complete the YMCA Gym instructor’s course alongside the BTEC qualification.