Business at Beckfoot

all students succeed in Enterprise and Business Studies through creating lessons that allow them to become future ready learners.

Enterprise and Business and studies prepares students for all aspects of working life as they prepare to one day earn a living or own their own business. The more a student understands about the world of work and the economy in which they will operate, the more successful they will be in their chosen career and personal life.

Enterprise and Business is a remarkable subject to help students to practice their interpersonal skills: communicating, working collaboratively, negotiating and influencing, as they develop the ability to work independently.


Students will develop a deep understanding of the challenges that businesses face hint he real world, and students will meet a local business owner allowing them to see the theory in context.


Students will complete two pieces of internally assessed work set by Pearson (one in each year), and then complete their course by sitting an external exam worth 40% of their final exam.

KS4 Specification


We make links to careers in Enterprise and Business Studies by integrating job examples into our schemes of work for students to consider the fields that link to the subject such as finance, marketing, human resources accounting and law.

Students who study Business Studies at Level 3 can go on to study degree programmes
related to directly to Business Studies, or progress directly into the employment market or via an Apprenticeship.