Children are identified as having SEND when they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children the same age of have a disability which prevents or hinders then from making use of education facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the Local Authority (SEND Regulations 2014).
Students at Beckfoot Oakbank have a range of difficulties including:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Sensory or physical difficulties

When your child first joins Beckfoot Oakbank we use information from a range of sources to help identify SEN and other needs. This information includes details from parents/carers, primary school teachers, end of key stage 2 levels, base line testing, literacy and numeracy tests, application form information, subject teachers, specialist colleagues and external agencies.
The transition team includes Sam Reeves our Assistant Headteacher, SENDCo, Deputy SENDCo with the support of a specialist transition team identified to support the process.
Our class teachers, Heads of Faculty and pastoral teams closely monitor the progress and attainment of all students, including those who have or may have SEND. All staff can refer students to the SEND Team if they feel additional support is required. This identification may come from tutors, subject teachers, support staff, head of year, outside agencies, parents/carers, or the students themselves.
On entry to our school, all students complete a a baseline reading assessment. Our SENDCo and Literacy Coordinator work together to conduct these assessments and make effective use of the outcomes. As a result of this assessment, identified students’ complete additional assessments which allow us to pinpoint the specific areas for development. This includes, for example screening for Dyslexia traits and further assessment into the student’s cognition and learning profile. If a student joins our school into Years 7-11 mid-term, information will be gathered from the previous educational establishment. Information will also be gathered through the Year Team and teachers to allow for further exploration into specific learning needs if required.
If it is thought a family needs support, we have good working relationships with outside agencies and a referral can be made to them. We follow a staged and graduated approach to identifying and assessing needs, using the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ model. The triggers for intervention could be the teacher’s, support colleague’s or other staff working with pupils, underpinned by evidence, about a pupil who, despite receiving differentiated learning opportunities, does not make expected progress. All students with SEND are on the SEND register which is accessible to all staff. Staff use this information and more detailed provision map profiles to inform their lesson planning, teaching and student learning activities. Targeted interventions are planned and delivered where appropriate. This may include small group or individual work across a broad range of activities.
Students with an Education, Health & Care Plan have an Annual Review. SEND students Provision Maps are updated termly with targets and adaptive strategies reviewed and updated.
The school has a Quality Assurance process that assesses the effectiveness of teaching and learning for all students, this includes the adaptive strategies used by teaching staff across the school, the quality of support provided by HLTAs and TAs in collaboration in with the class teacher, the quality of small group and 121 sessions provided to students in intervention sessions, the impact of intervention in our CTMC. We also quality assure our interventions with the support of the SCIL Team. We invite external evaluation involving specialists from within our Trust and through commissioning colleagues to undertake a review aspects of the school’s provision.
Teachers regularly review and provide feedback for students within their lessons and in book work. Classroom teachers contribute to the collation of strategies and targets for Provision Maps and EHCP reviews in advance of review meetings involving parents/carers.
Main school assessment happens within lessons. Targeted questions, formative and summative assessments, cold calling, and the use of mini whiteboards allow staff to track progress of individuals and to form judgements on student ability and understanding on our learning modes.
Students progress is also supported by the Year Teams and Wellbeing Team who offer support and mentoring when appropriate.
Formally we have an Assessment Calendar which outlines when assessments take place throughout the year, this information is shared with parents/carers in the booklets provided at our Meet the Tutor event. Assessments take place twice per year for Years 7,8, & 9 and three times a year in Years 10 & 11. These are communicated with parents through a summary report and parents/carers can meet with staff during parents evening.
We additionally employ a Quality Assurance procedure to evaluate the efficiency of Teaching and Learning for all students, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This procedure encompasses classroom observations, examination of student assignments, and engaging in conversations with students regarding their classwork and learning. The findings from these assessments are utilised to formulate and execute improvement strategies for all elements of teaching and learning.
Our teachers maintain high expectations for all students, including those with identified Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Each teacher will receive information about your child’s specific needs and will adjust their teaching methods accordingly. Our teachers possess expertise and/or receive training in this practice. This training occurs on a regular basis and may involve experienced teachers presenting CPD, collaborating and planning together or external agencies providing specialist training.
Within school there are a variety of staff roles to help us fully support your child. There are a range of interventions and additional subject support which are available and should your child need this, it would be discussed with you.
Adaptive strategies are adopted in every classroom to allow students to access the lesson whilst challenging their capabilities. Teachers adapt learning materials and activities. This approach ensures that your child can fully engage in the planned activities. On occasion, adaptation may necessitate support from another adult in the classroom, such as a Higher-Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) or Teaching Assistant (TA). We maintain a dedicated SEND support team comprising colleagues with a spectrum of expertise, and we deploy them appropriately to address specific learning needs.
When your child embarks on courses that include external examinations, we will assess and apply for exam Access Arrangements in accordance with the regulations outlined by the Joint Council for Qualifications. The granting of Access Arrangements may entail your child receiving additional support and/or extra time to complete examination papers. If your child typically uses a laptop or tablet as a means of support for note-taking during lessons, this accommodation may also be included as part of their Access Arrangement.
During the transition process from primary school to Beckfoot Oakbank, we collate the information provided by our partner primary schools to ensure that your child receives a curriculum that best suits their needs. The majority of our students, including those with identified Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), follow the broad school curriculum.
For students with cognition and learning needs significantly below age related expectations, it is expected that they access a broad balanced curriculum as their universal offer, but their timetable also includes designated intervention sessions designed to support their learning through a universal plus offer. A small subset of learners receive a more tailored curriculum to align with their specific requirements. This bespoke approach may entail additional opportunities to enhance reading skills through our Lexonik Leap Phonics scheme or support with SEMH needs through tailored small group or 121 intervention on topics such as managing emotions or social skills.
Students with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) have individual targets and strategies established by the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), external professionals working with the student, support staff, and subject teachers. These targets and strategies are subject to annual reviews, which involve the student, parents, subject staff, and other relevant professionals. These reviews assess the relevance and suitability of the established targets and strategies and evaluate their impact. Decisions regarding the implementation or continuation of interventions are made based on evidence of the student’s specific needs and the effectiveness of the interventions.
The building is new and as such is fully accessible for all disabilities. All safeguarding procedures and risk assessments are in place and adhered to by all staff. We have a range of different facilities to help SEND students throughout our school including a lift to access all floors; disabled toilets on every floor; wide corridors and equipment to help students access all lessons. Students with mobility needs can also access school through the side entrance into school which is staffed by SEND support.
We maintain a diverse team of dedicated professionals committed to supporting students and addressing their additional needs. This team includes the Assistant Headteacher of Inclusion, the SENDCo, Deputy SENDCo, teaching assistants and Year Teams. We allocate resources based on a comprehensive assessment of individual needs and the effectiveness of interventions.
Students who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) receive support allocations in accordance with the specifications outlined in their EHCP. Teaching assistants are specifically assigned to assist students during lessons, and they work closely with teaching staff to ensure the highest level of effectiveness.
Students with EHCPs have specific targets and strategies which are reviewed regularly and developed in collaboration with the SENDCo, support staff, and subject teachers. The efficacy of these targets and strategies is evaluated during Annual Reviews, which involve the student, parents or caregivers, subject teachers, and other pertinent professionals.
All children in the school are encouraged to take part in extra activities at break time, lunch time and after school. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming educational provider. Day and residential trips are open to all children and your child’s specific needs can be discussed if they wish to join such a trip. School minibus drivers have the extra access qualification allowing wheelchair users to access the minibus safely. The school is accessible for students with disabilities and/or special educational needs. All students are catered for, and adaptations are made wherever needed to allow all students access to extra-curricular clubs and enrichment activities. Students with SEND are encouraged to a[end clubs through form time, assemblies, and student leadership groups.
At Beckfoot Oakbank we take our pastoral responsibilities seriously. We pride ourselves on providing a high level of student support and guidance. Our year team leaders who will (in most cases) remain with them as they progress up the school. This provides continuity and builds a strong relationship between pastoral staff and students. There are additional members of staff who can provide pastoral support, these include: SENCo; HLTAs; Teaching Mentors/Assistants, the Wellbeing Team and Attendance Team. We also have excellent relationships with several external agencies, for example: The Educational Psychology Service; the SCIL team, Mental Health support team, the Visual and Hearing Impairment teams; the Behaviour Support Service and The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.
Our support staff undergo training to assist students with various Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) challenges, both within the classroom and through targeted intervention sessions. These interventions are overseen and supervised by a specialised SEMH Higher-Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA). Referrals to external agencies are made in consultation with parents and students when necessary.
In our school, students have daily contact with their tutors and easy access to the Year Team, ensuring that they know where to seek prompt support when needed.
Ongoing concerns can be raised with your child’s Year Team Leader or with the SENCo.
- The contact number for Beckfoot Oakbank is 01535 210111
- SENCO Administrator – Victoria Cottrell email is: [email protected]
- SENDCO is Rebecca Lonsdale. Email address: [email protected] / extension number: 16823
We have staff who have a range of experience and training covering various SEND needs including the National SENCo Qualification; CCET (Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing); Supporting students with ASC; and a wide range of training delivered by the specialist support teams. Training is provided to all staff, including teachers and support staff, as the need arises and there is ongoing training for all staff as well as opportunities to further develop skills. Staff who are new to the school follow an induction programme which includes training and information on SEND. As a school we can call on support from specialist organisations from within the Local Authority as well as Health.
Within our Trust, SENCOs convene regularly to exchange insights garnered from their own work and stay informed about the latest developments in the field of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) on a national scale.
At a school we can access a range of services including Visual and Hearing Impaired and the Physical Difficulties Team. These services are contacted when necessary and appropriate, according to your child’s needs. If you believe your child needs specialist equipment or other facilities, please contact Rebecca Lonsdale to discuss the issue at the next review/parents evening.
A parent of a child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), or a parent with concerns related to a learning requirement, may reach out to the SENDCo, Deputy SENDCo, or our SEND administrator for assistance.
Parental input plays a central role during review periods and the EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) process. Additionally, we schedule and highlight drop-in sessions for parents with children on the SEND Register during Parents Evenings, Meet the Tutor and other school events. These sessions provide an opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s school experience and share insights from family life with the SEND team at a convenient time.
Recognising the significant positive impact parents can have on their child’s learning opportunities, we acknowledge the importance of parents in:
- Promoting good attendance and punctuality to allow students to access their lessons and achieve the best possible educational outcomes
- Participating in parent meetings to support learning and wellbeing
- Assisting their child in getting organised for the school day, including ensuring they have the necessary equipment and books
- Encouraging their child to complete homework to the best of their ability
- Checking and signing their child’s planner on a weekly basis
A key focus for our school is to foster confident communication skills among our students, empowering them to express themselves with confidence within the school environment.
Our students engage in daily interactions with their Tutors, who play a crucial role in our pastoral support system. This daily contact provides students with opportunities to pose questions, voice concerns, and allows teachers to assess their well-being by observing their behaviour, general demeanor, and interactions with peers. As part of the Tutor Programme student voice is welcomed and opinions shared in a safe and informal setting, which supports our students in building their confidence and views in a well managed and supportive environment.
The year Team serves as a central hub for communication with both your child and you If you have any queries or concerns related to any aspect of your child’s school experience, your child’s Year Team Leader is typically your initial point of contact.
Each child’s welfare is the responsibility of all of our staff. The school is committed to listening to parents’ concerns and handling them in a sensitive way. Year Team Leaders should be contacted in the first instance. The SENDCo and Assistant Headteacher of Inclusion can be approached if parents are still dissatisfied. It is always the aim of the school to resolve issues and concerns informally.
Should communication with school be found to be unsatisfactory, and a resolution hasn’t been found through communication with school staff and leaders, parents can make use of the school’s complaints procedure through the ‘Contact us’ section on the school website.
Beckfoot Oakbank can support parents and families in accessing a diverse array of services, including the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Social Care, the School Nurse Service, Educational Psychology Services, the Careers Service, and the Speech and Language Service. Additionally, we offer specialised educational support services such as the Hearing Impairment Service, the Speech and Language Team and the SCIL Team.
These services are engaged as deemed necessary and suitable, tailored to meet the specific needs of your child. Should you believe that your child requires specialised support, please reach out to the SENDCo or discuss your concerns during the upcoming parent-teacher meetings. Considering the substantial demand for many of these external services, we also take proactive measures to provide support for the social, emotional, and mental well-being of our students through our in-house wellbeing and mentoring services.
Services and support for parents and families of children with SEND:
- FYI Bradford – a free, impartial service offering advice, information and signposting to children, young people and families within the Bradford district.
- Bradford SENDIASS – for parents and carers of children and young people 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the Bradford area.
- TREACLE.ME – this website signposts to all the support that can be accessed in the Bradford area.
- AWARE – a parent-run group supporting families with children and young adults on the autistic spectrum (formal diagnosis not required)
- The Hub of Hope app – the UK’s leading mental health support database
- CAMHS ((Child and Adolescent Mental Heath Service)
- The BREW project – a free service for children or young people (aged 5-17 years old to access a confidential and nonjudgemental one-to-one support session via telephone, video call, face to face or walk-and-talk sessions.
We liaise closely with primary schools and support services and provide additional transition support both before your child starts and afterwards as required. All children receive advice on careers and are encouraged to visit colleges to explore post-16 courses. If additional support is needed this will be put in place. We work closely with Connexions and local colleges to ensure that post 16 providers are fully aware of a young person’s needs and how they might best be supported as well as ensuring that all relevant paperwork is completed for students with EHCPs.
The Bradford and District Local offer can be found at: h[ps:// or a printed copy can be obtained from Bradford Families Information Services by calling 01274437503
When a child possesses an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) during their annual review in Year 5, parents are requested by the Local Authority to consult the school regarding their preferences for enrollment in Year 7. The school is subsequently approached to determine whether it can accommodate the educational adjustments specified in the EHCP, and the school’s response is directly conveyed to the Local Authority. In cases where a child is identified as requiring SEN Support but does not possess an EHCP, parents should adhere to the standard admissions procedures through Bradford Council’s Parent Portal.